Mother and baby hospital bag

Something to remember is that you’re packing for a hospital stay, not a fortnight’s holiday in Rome. When I packed my hospital bag I unnecessarily over packed because I was unsure at what the hospital would provide; things like cotton wool balls for first nappy changes & baby milk formula is provided. And there was sterilising facilities for EBF and Medela breast pumps that were free to use.

Only pack what you think you will need for the first day or so in your labour bag, and leave the rest of yours and little ones things packed in a separate bag for your partner to bring when he visits.


2 nightdresses (one to give birth in, one for afterwards)
Comfy clothes to go home in (maternity clothes are good for this, and if your bag is already over packed then you could always leave an outfit at home ready for hubby to bring when you’re ready to leave)
Big knickers & sanitary towels
Nursing bra (if your plan to nurse) and breast pads, you won’t need that many as it often takes a while for your milk to come in)
Socks or slippers for getting up for toilet trips etc.
Toiletries (2 in 1 shampoo, mild soap, toothpaste/toothbrush, deodorant etc.)
Hairbrush & a hair tie to tame the mane
A little bit of makeup (not necessary but does make you feel a little better)
Smartphone & charger (some won’t consider this essential, but the nights are lonely when hubby has to go home and it’s always nice to be able to contact people. The camera comes in handy too)
Camera & batteries (to capture precious memories, again, most smartphone cameras will suffice)
Plastic bag for dirty clothes etc.
Hospital notes and birth plan
A book/magazine (something to keep you entertained, we took our tablet)
Glucose sweets, lollies, cereal bars, jelly sweets and favourite juices (to keep energy levels up, before, during and after)
A dark towel for after showers etc.


5 vests
5 sleep suits (the ones with built in fold-over scratch mits are a life saver)
2 pairs of scratch mits (or above)
A hat
A small bag of nappies (if needed hospital can supply you, or you can always send hubby for supplies if your stay ends up being longer than expected)
Bibs and muslin squares (these are sooo handy, they take up next to no room in the bag but are used so often)
Newborn safe wet wipes (we took these but I only actually used them to wipe my face, as cotton wool and water was provided)
Baby blanket
An outfit to go home in- The midwife told me… disregard the vest as an invisible layer, dress baby the same as you, plus a layer (this may help when choosing an outfit) and then cover with a blanket when going home
A jacket or snowsuit for a winter baby
Car seat for the journey home (just a tip, make yourself familiar with the car seats workings, including how to adjust for baby, and how to fix to car- we didn’t, it was not good)

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