Recently we've made a few 'home improvements' and bought a few new bits and bobs to give our home a little refresh so I thought I'd share our progress on my blog.

Firstly is our new dining table and chairs. We previously had an old family hand-me-down that was fit for the tip and it was a little to small for a family of four. We have a fairly big kitchen and I've always wanted a nice big solid oak table and so when I found this one I fell in love. It's been on my 'wish list' for well over a year and recently I took the plunge and bought it. At the same time we purchased four new dining chair. I went for this Eames style that I find so aesthetically pleasing but I honestly regret buying these in white. I'm really not sure what I was thinking given that we've got two young children and a husband who works with sheet metal. On the upside it is my dream table.

Another little job on our to-do list was to give Indie's room a little refresh. She'd been asking for mountains on her walls for a while so I let hubby loose with some Frog Tape and he and Indie had a field day. We're looking at repainting the whole room in the next few years but I think it's given it a nice little update, and of course put a smile on Indie's face.

We'd also recently got Indie a new single bed which is just a simple plain white metal frame. I ordered a Peony Garland from Sass & Belle and wrapped it around the top of her bed and it looks so sweet. I also framed some prints that I found on Pinterest to replace the old ones that she had up. The colour scheme is her two favourite colours; pink and blue.

Another fairly recent addition is our new 8 Cube Ikea Kallax unit. We needed a bit of extra storage to hide our every expanding film collection and this suited perfectly. You can't tell in the picture but we actually mounted it on short chrome feet and it looks so much better and also matches our dome lamp.

Last but not least is our hallway. When we moved in we were child free and 'free-spirited'. I guess I'd call it that. We previously painted our hallway dark grey with Gothic pictures around the walls. It's a room that doesn't get alot of natural light as it is so it became so dark and dingy. Once we had kids the Gothic bits came down (the skull prints were a little scary, I'll admit). We chose to give it a total refresh recently by painting it a pale dusty blue shade and accessorizing with white, and of course a little copper. I love it! The little Wooden Desk is a gift from Indie's lovely Grandad that he restored for her. She loves having somewhere to sit and draw.

Keep and eye out on my blog because I'm hoping to share a little 'Room Tour' of Indie's room and a bit more of an in depth view into my favourite corners of our home.

Thanks for reading.

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