When Indie was born she had alot of hair, I wrote a post about it here. It grew so fast that within a few weeks her fringe was very near her eyes. We started to use soft grip hair clips and for a while it worked perfectly.

The trouble began when Indie found her hands and realised she could pull things. After a while she learnt how to pull her hair clip from her hair, meaning our easy solution soon became a choking hazard. We tried hair ties for a short while but she pulled them out just the same.

We bit the bullet and cut Indie a very wonky fringe and this worked, for a week or two.

After a few weeks we were back to square one. It grew as quick as we cut it and it became a never ending battle.

Eventually we found headbands became our savoir. The only thing that could hold every piece of long hair out of Indie's eyes and they were soft enough so that she didn't realise it was there. As you can see from the photos below they proved great, especially when she was eating or playing.

From left to right these are from Mothercare, Matalan, Monsoon...
...and Monsoon, Tesco and Asda.

We have found headbands to be the best and most practical solution to all manner of problems; food in hair, hair in eyes etc, it's just a bonus that they look really rather cute!

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