February has been full of happy memories, lots of playtime, many milestones and firsts. Though the weather has been freezing cold and the rain has poured, we've got out a couple of times and really made the most of an excuse to cosy up at home and enjoy playtime. 

Whilst Indie has been taking steps and wobbly walking for a good few months, at the beginning of February Indie officially became a walker. She decided that she was going to walk properly, and run, before her first birthday. This is so exciting for us because it means we can let her loose in shops, at the park and down on the field to explore, we're just waiting for the weather to cooperate. We took her to get her first shoes shortly after and ended up with a pair of supportive Converse trainers.

On February 11th, Indie turnt one. We celebrated with family and food after a day spent at the Aquarium. 

Since turning one, it's seems Indie has developed so quickly. This month she has started to properly use a fork, walk and run everywhere unaided, pretend laugh, pout for a kiss and has started to take food from a bowl and eat without throwing it everywhere. 

This month has been a happy one, full of celebrations and family time. I really couldn't have wished it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a really good month. they really seem to grow up when they walk! Hopefully March is just as lovely for you :)
