Hello, long time no see. It's been a while since I last posted, or at least it feels that way. Christmas has been and gone and we're three days into the New Year already. I had so many posts I had planned to write over the Christmas period whilst hubby was home from work but both Harry and Indie were ill the week before Christmas and I was too. We all started to feel better the day before Christmas Eve but then on Christmas Day I ended up needing to go up the hospital to be treated for a Kidney Infection. I was in agony to say the least but put on a bit of a brave face because I didn't want to ruin everyones Christmas. I've only got one kidney so it was a bit of a necessity to get it checked out asap but thankfully I wasn't up there for too long. I really am so thankful for the NHS. We so often take it for granted, but to have that care available whenever it is needed, and for free, is something I'm truly grateful for. 

Anyway we ended up having a lovely Christmas. Indie was so much more aware this year and it was lovely to see the excitement on her face. Harry loved climbing all over the new toys and seemed to enjoy the abundance of food that was around. As I said I had so many posts I wanted to write; Reflecting on 2016, Plans for 2017 and a bit of an update on the kids and my mental health, but to be honest it can all be summarised in just a few sentences so here it goes.

2016. The year that saw my little girl become a big sister as we welcomed little Harry to our family. It's been bittersweet as we've made some beautiful memories but also my mental health has been at it's lowest. That being said, we've made it! Harry's birth was one of the happiest memories of my life and whilst the early days were a bit of a haze, I've got to watch my little toddler blossom into the best big sister. I'm sticking my fingers up to a New Years Resolution this year, no promises, just one intention, to try. 

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