Every week I share a few of Indie's outfits and so I thought I would start to share my outfits aswell. Now don't get me wrong on days when I have nowhere to go I literally shower and change into fresh pyjamas, that's just how I roll. But a few days a week I look somewhat presentable so thought I would share my outfits with you.

I didn't realise until I came to write this blogpost that my whole outfit (shoes included) is from Matalan. I recently entered a competition by writing a post sharing my interpretation of Modern Families as part of a campaign they were running. To my shock I actually won a £100 gift voucher and so I updated my summer wardrobe, hence the 'dressed head to toe in Matalan' outfit.

 Please let me know if you'd like to see more 'Mummy Outfits' on my blog.


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